
fully human; theological anthropology and human flourishing in the 21st century

December 7 

Conference Schedule

8:00-9:00: Registration; Coffee – James Chapel 

9:00 – 9:10: Bishop Seraphim Sigrist: Welcome Talk

9:10 – 9:40: Fr. Lev Smith: Plenary

9:40 – 10:00: Coffee Break – Chapel Rotunda

10:00 – 11:00: Pia Chaudhari: Plenary – Roundtable 

11:00-12:00: Lunch Break

12:00 – 1:30: First Sort Presentation Session

1:30 – 2:00: Coffee Break - Chapel Rotunda

2:00 – 3:30: Second Short Presentation Section

3:30 – 4:00: Break

4:00 – 4:50: Matthew Ally: Plenary 

4:50 – 5:00: Break

5:00 – 6:00: John Behr: Plenary 

6:15 – 6:45: Justin Cheng: Screening of Most People Don't Even Realize What is Coming


PLENARy TALKS — James Chapel

Fr. John Behr: From Adam to Christ: From Male and Female to Being Human

Matthew Ally: Context is Everything: Theological and Philosophical Anthropologies after the Holocene

Fr. Lev Smith: Who Am I? The Apophaticism of the Human Person

Pia Chaudhari: Saving Beauty: Aphrodite, Maximus and the Digital Age 


First Responder: Fr. John Behr

Second Responder: VK McCarty

Moderator: Laura Josephson



 Rooms 205A, 205, 303, and 307 

First Short Presentation Section: 12:00 – 1:30

First Panel (Room 205A): Female Sainthood and Modern Exegesis: 

1.     Stuart Dean: Macrina’s Ἀποκατάστασις

2.     Victoria McCarty: St. Macrina: Living Midrash of Gregory of Nyssa’s Doctrine of Epéktasis

3.     Judith Scott: Patristic Writers, the Orthodox Church and Black Liberation and Womanist Theologies


Second Panel (Room 205): Transhumanism, Cyber-Humanity and the Future of Humankind:

1.     Fr. Athanasius Inti Yanes-Fernandez: Man is a Constant Effort. A Contrast of Two Anthropological Paradigms in the Light of Orthodox Anthropology.

2.     The Rev. Hasan Azad: The Future of an Illusion: Transhumanism and the Death of Religion

3.     Liza Anderson: Fake News, Technological Surveillance, and Patristic Demonology: Spiritual Discernment in a Digital Age


Third Panel (Room 303): Law, Sin and the Human Soul

1.     Jess Gilbert: “The Perfect Law of Liberty”: Free Will in the Theological Anthropology of Irenaeus of Lyons.

2.     The Rev. Mary Jett: They did not Know Their Left from Their Right” (Jonah 4.11) and the Patristic Denial of Original Sin

3.     Brian Pinter: Dreams: Tailor-Made Pilgrimages Just for You


Fourth Panel (Room 307): Psychology, Education and Spirituality

1.     Eirini Artemi: Christian Anthropology and the relation with Positive Psychology and Human Flourishing in the 21st Century through the Orthodox Christian Teaching

2.     Fr. Felix Dovgan: The Cult of the Holy Great Martyr John the New of Sociava - Protector of Trading (1330-2018)

3.     Julia Ji: Spiritual Critical Friendship: One Approach towards Flourishing in the Praxis of a Local Parish

4.     Justin Cheng: Transcendental Potentials of Camp


Second Short Presentation Section: 2:00 – 3:30

Fifth Panel (Room 205A): Patristics

1.     Marcin Podbielski: St Maximus the Confessor, the Accidental Unity of Human Being

2.     Anna Zhyrkova: John Damascene’s Account of Existential Unity of Human Individual.

3.     Márton Hoványi: A Theology of Desire in the Works of Eastern Church Fathers and Today


Sixth Panel (Room 205): Theology, Philosophy and Ecumenical Concerns

1.     Yual Chiek: Pre-Established Harmony in Leibniz’s Mill Argument against Materialism

2.     Matthew Bucherri: Being Catholic. Becoming Human

3.     Roberto Alejandro:  Legacy and Responsibility: Theological Anthropology in the Public Sphere


Seventh Panel (Room 303): Unredeemed Humanity and the Issues of Evil

1.     The Rev. Conrad Fischer: Humanity, Terror and its Logos  

2.     Fr. David Pratt: Unliberal Theosis and Secular Sin: Whose Flourishing?

3.    Yahya-Clifford Halliwell: Credit, Creed, and Rationality. On the Possibility of an Islamic Institutional History  

4.     Fr. Sergey Trostyanskiy: The Nature of Evil and Human Practical Reason


Eighth Panel (Room 307): Body, Soul and the Self

1.    Paul Kucharski:What Does It Mean to Make a Gift of Self

2.    Fr. Philip Zymaris: Theological Bubble Language: A Literalist View of the Fall and its Connection with a Denigration of the Human Condition

3.    Stemenka Antonova: Basil: Human Anthropology and Basil’s Askesis of Body and of Soul



Conference registration fee: $50

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